Drea would you mind house sitting for one of your aunties?
Yeah sure no problem which one?
Aunty geri.
What the hell did she mean mind? here I lay snuggled up in a king size bed nestled between Egyptian cotton sheets and a down comforter. surrounded by poignant yet tasteful artwork, with my own bathroom and she wanted to know if if mind? I'm in the friggin guest bedroom for heavensake!
I'm living the tough life. I'm in a neighborhood where I could leave my car unlocked with the keys in the ignition and no one would touch it (not that I would out of ingrown paranoia.) ok side note, my god these sheets feel nice. What was I saying? Oh yeah tough life. Yada yada. I'm wondering what I did to deserve this harsh treatment. She is leaving me with a full fridge and a gas/takeout stipend for the week that would allow me to runaround town all day and order takeout for a month. Geez.
Oh yeah and I'm ten whole minutes away from work assuming there's traffic.
All this and I gotta watch her three adorable puppies. Tough life I tell ya.