And that I truly believe. I do think that even if a thought has no significance for one it has significance for someone else or should I say, may, if shared.
So I don't know if I'm being overly picky or what but I didn't like the guy yesterday cause he didn't answer a single question and I didn't like the guy today cause he wouldn't look me in the eye. Although he seemed to genuinely love the y and he has experience to work with what he has and he's not a micro managing asshole. He expects his staff to know what they're doing and to get it done so he does not have to be on their backs. I like that because if they hire someone who tells me I need to be in at eight and chained to my desk till five I will quit or I will die. I know what needs to be done and I get it done. Period doesn't matter if I waltz in at ten or if I jump in at seven I'm there when I need to be and I work the hours I really have to work and then some usually.
So back to the guy today he seemed on the phone to be a cocky bastard but today he just seemed real. He made me nervous cause he wouldn't look at me I felt like I had a booger hanging on my nose or I was hideous or some other reason for avoidance. It was brought up that I might have made him nervous but I can't see that he is potentially my new boss and I can't see how I could. I don't know I'm not gonna get any more hung up over it.