Tuesday, December 05, 2006

NM forum for youth summit.

Youth is defined by the state of New Mexico as persons between birth and thw age of 24. I am youth. I am at a summit where the outcome is bleak for youth. I think I should stand up and use myself as an example. Look grew up under poverty level no heath insurance public education no real male figure and I'm not quite as fucked up as you all would like to hope.

I am a productive citizen driven to show the world that their statistics mean nothing. I am not a pregnant drop out on welfare like they said I would be and they need to stop telling kids like I was that that's all they will be. Ooh I'm mad. We as a society sincerely need to stop saying things like this to our childen the ones who are smart enough to understand what they listen to, have the ambition sapped right out of them. And the ones that have a brain to ignore it are too few.

I guess that its not that they are saying this to the youth of new Mexico, its the fact that they are specifying the Hispanic and native American youth of new Mexico. I am furious. This whole packet in front of me is divided into three sections, Hispanic all races, native Americans, and non-Hispanics all races. And they wonder why I don't consider myself white. Its the mentality that we are brought up with. I have spent my whole life hearing that I will be a failure. And I figured it would end but grrr here they are passing their bullshit on to the next generation.

I won't stand for it this has to change and I need to find a way.

I am about to go into the last segment of my evening. I will post more later if I haven't gone berzerk and tackled someone and been thrown in jail by the end of this night. Oh wait I won't do that because that would prove them right.

Oh yeah p.s. Mags, can't edit wishlist from my phone.