I think. What's today?
What happened? I was ahead this year. How am I behind again?
Cards: done but not mailed
Baking:starts next week
Tamales:probably cook the head on Friday.
Lissa check
Leo check
Dad partially
Mom partially but I know what to get her
Nana no clue
Tata no clue
Grandma throw blanket?
Grandpa cigars
Susie hmmm no clue
Nino no clue
Nina gift basket gotta go to michaels hey that could work for grandmas too hmmm
Michelle check
Dominic and Nicky check
Aunts uncles and rest of cousins goody tins.
Kat gift basket?
Rikki and Justine partially, hmmm gift cards?
Staff check candy canes and cards but its more than I ever got and there's forty of them!
Office Staff check, I think, Maggie Yuri Sara Phil Yvette Liaser Carlos Aileen Jebarri
Site directors Nathan Jason Curtis Justine Haydee Tanya Barbara Malinda check
Sandy check
Patricia check
Why is the ice cream man running around now? Any way back to my list I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. Oh yeah Renzo... Do I get him anything? I didn't get him anything for his bday and then I felt like a heel when he gave me my card. Ha! movie passes! I can get movie passes stick them in a card And then if I forgot anyone I can just write their name on the front and ta da! And if not I can always go to the movies myself.
What else I need white elephant gifts for three parties I need a date for two parties. What am I going to wear Christmas eve? I want to wear my sparkly blue shoes I need a blue sweater to match. Oh wait I vowed to stop buying myself stuff till January that's ok I can wear them with my black dress. Hmmm.