Thursday, October 27, 2005


"we're going down down in an earlier round/ sugar we're going down swinging/ i'll be your number one with a bullet/ a loded god complex cock it and pull it." Fall Out Boy

so my car is paid off finaly... this wouldnt be that big of a deal except i paid cash for it when i bought it and paid it off then... but i had a roomate that didnt pay her half of the bills for like six months despite sizable (and questionable) income. and short of being evicted i had to come up with some money quick so i got a title loan and have been the loan company's bitch ever since... i am soo happy now though that you wouldnt believe its like a giant burden lifted off of my shoulders. i know i will never see the money that person owes me, but i dont really care any more. i have written it off as one more loss. i am sooo happy my car is mine again i have the title again and i am almost completely out of debt, i have also learned not to rely on people.

but i have developed a horrid spending habit. in that i am spending. i went to Sam's Club to get supplies for my site and i wound up leaving with 12 new movies and two new cd's... the movies are a horrid habit i picked up from supes who has like 500 dvds and countless vhs. the cd's well i got sick of hot fuss so i picked up tatu and fall out boy. since it was sams club everything was cheap like $100 (ive spent more than that on shoes) but its $100 that i know i should be saving for my debt or at least for my trip to vegas. eh well c'est la vie.