"its not always rainbows and butterflies its compromise that moves us along." Maroon Five (my favorite quote of the week)
"When lip service to some mysterious deity permits bestiality on Wednesday and absolution on Sunday, cash me out." Frank Sinatra
"the beast in me is caged by frail and fragile bars." Johnny Cash
I'm trying to be in a bad mood cause I have had a bad day but I was just listening to Feel Good INC. by the Gorillaz in my car and I must say... That went out the window... So now I'm not in a bad mood just stressed as usual.
so my day has been for lack of a better word craptacular... Actually yesterday was rather craptacular today has just been shit. Yesterday was just a looonnnggg day I worked and then had a lunch (yay) that I had to work through (boo) and I didn't finish what I had to do before I went back to work. (of course) then I worked some more... Got off had to rush across town to a fucking board meeting (I hate those damn things its pointless for me to be there at all I have no vote I have no say and I spend most of the time trying to keep myself from falling asleep to the lovely lullaby of all the head honchos blathering.) and then I went home and slept. (wondrous, que no?)
today has been actually horrible. I had to work at 6:30 and I just got off like 12 mins ago and I have to go back at five and then I have another freaking meeting... I was filling out my time card for the week and I realized I'm gonna have like 55 hours and that's if I only have to work what I have assigned which lately is like an impossibility. I know I can do this but after the day I had today I'm wondering why I would want to. First thing when I get there Rikki is bitching about something or another, having to do with someone else's site, but I'm chismosa so I like to hear it, but you can only hear so much gossip before you start wondering what they say about you when your not there. So any way that was fine and then she had to go to class and Justine came in and everything was normal... And then the shit hit the fan. I had a boy and a girl get in a fist fight over a piece of clay about the size of my thumb, I had a girl puke on me (luckily I was wearing my coat cause it was cold and my coat is leather so it wiped right off... Unluckily I got puked on in my fav. coat.) I had another kid fall and knock out a tooth (jury's still out on whether or not it was a baby tooth) and I had to pull another girls tooth cause she fell off a swing and knocked it loose (that one was a baby tooth) I had my boss call and yell at me because I haven't started my fundraising for the invest in youth campaign (which she didn't tell me I had to do, and the impression I got from all those meetings I have been attending is that it the campaign doesn't officially kick off till February. I am not the only site director who has not started, in fact none of us has so I don't know why she singled me out) I had another kid come down with a fever of 102.4. I had my boss call me back and tell me she needed me to send one of my staff to another site cause they were over ratio. And then I had to stay an hour and a half later because my site is over ratio. And now I have to go back soon and I haven't gotten to talk to anyone cause my phone is dead (I got yelled at for that too for heaven sakes) and I just feel helpless because I know that I wont be able to get home tonight before 9:00 and then I have to write up incident reports for the fight the puking the tooth losses and the staff changes. God I love the YMCA :D (smile like I mean it? Ok.)
The YMCA Invest In Youth campaign is a way to help people who couldn't normally afford it attend the YMCA, it is part of what makes the YMCA such a great thing. It is actually a good thing, its just giving me a lot of stress because I work at one of the poorer sites so I know that fundraising is not gonna help me meet my goal... Well it'll help but I know it wont do it by itself... I need some generous people to cut some checks to the YMCA so I don't have to worry about it (ha like that's gonna happen!) I think I will give some money out of my own pocket and try to convince my staff to do the same... Or... I don't know. This program is one of the few things that I have seen help people enough that I am willing to go the distance for it, I am willing to give out of my pocket but I don't have enough, I need great ideas for raising money. And right now I got crap.
In non work related stuff (now that I have bored everyone to tears lemme do it again) I got this cheesy text message that said describe me in one word only one and then send this to ten people yada yada...
so my words that i got back made me smile a little
brilliant-the Butthead
intimidating- j
lemur (or fluffy)- Mr. Frodo
queen of the damned- the man I'm supposed to marry when i turn 52 (he apparently doesn't know the meaning of one)
I'm looking at this list and I realize I have waaayy too many fucking nicknames, a different one from each of these people and then some :( I think I need to simplify.
the Butthead-Shithead
Lucy-Dre Dre
j- well i don't have one from him soo...Andrea
Mr. Frodo- Miss Andrea
Peenie-Boo Boo
the man I'm supposed to marry when we turn 52- queen of all that is evil
and then there's Nikki, Anja, Dr. Dre, JJ Rae, Andy, Reah, Rugrat, Frootluips, Biscotti, Fea, Andra-Ella, mija, Annie... I'm sure if I think about it I can go on... I need to come up with just one really fabu one and convince everyone to just call me that (yeah right).