Thursday, August 25, 2005

do not stack the glasses.

"beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad...its the middle that counts. you just need to give hope time to float on up to the suface."

soo... i just got off the phone with superman and i completely forgot what i was going to write... haha like that would ever stop me from writing. so i am sitting here in my favorite coffee shop saddened because i dont even have money for coffee but i will sit here any way talking to lindsey and pretending like i know what i am doing with this new life that i have created for myself. i am coming around to the idea of being alone. i will be living on susans couch for a few days then i will get kims room... i am not looking forward to moving but i cant stay where i am it would defeat the entire purpose of shaking up my whole life.

i am a coward... people have been telling me this all week even random people... i would like to change that, but for my sake not thiers. i was gonna post some of my poetry but that plan went down the drain cause shtuff happens. i will though. i will post it and people will have to tell me its wonderful. ok so you dont have to tell me its wonderful but if ya dont i may cry a little inside.

till next time (which may or may not be on this side of never) i signing off of this my worst post yet.