"Where is your boy tonight?/ I hope he is a gentleman./ Maybe he won't find out what I know:/ you were the last good thing about this part of town./When I wake up,/ I'm willing to take my chances/ on the hope I forget that you hate him/ more than you notice /I wrote this for you /(for you, so...)/You need him. /I could be him.../I could be an accident but I'm still trying. /That's more than I can say for him." Fall Out Boy Grand Theft Autumn
i love left hand turns because they make it seem like i have more gas in my tank than i do... this is probably a bad thing and i should either slow my turns or get that fixed somehow... but i dont really want to do either.
when i first started dating lorenzo i thought he was a druglord cause he would come over every week with a different car. (hes not, only one was his the others were just random cars he had access to) i woke up yesterday walked outside and there was a brand new car sitting in my driveway and his car was missing. so im sitting here thinking oh my god what the hell did he do he just bought that damned car... but no, its a rental his is in the shop. (whew) but now i want to keep the new car cause its got balls. my dad is borrowing my car for the weekend cause hes taking my mom out of town for thier anniversary. they are in much better space than they were a year and two ago, so i guess looking back i am kind of happy they didnt get divorced, though i was hurt and angry at my dad for the longest time. (and still am to some extent) im glad me and my dad are at the point where we can act like family again, it will never be the way it was before, i dont think i can ever be a daddy's girl again, but i am secure in the knowledge that i will forever be my daddy's little girl, no matter how alike we are and how much we fight, i know i can make up by swallowing my pride and giving him a kiss and a "daddy i love you.". (does that make sense to anyone but me?)
so i just found out that my grandma (Nana) is going to be a great grandma. my cousin John pendejo that he is, is going to have a kid with his flavor of the week girlfriend. this would be cause for celebration but John is only 16, hes a borrachero, marijuano, whos bearly recovering from being hit by a truck, and is sooo not ready for a kid. i dont know about the girl... i cant even keep thier names straight. im just worried hes never gonna finish highschool and will forever be a burden on my Nana. speaking of my Nana, she just had her birthday and said shes finally old enough to be a grandma. that sixty is a good age. i wonder how shes taking the news that shes gonna be a great grandma at that "ripe old age". my goodness, she had her first child at 16(my dad), her first grandchild at 34(my sister), and now she will have her first great grandchild at 60(el bebe de este pendejo). i think shes way too young for this shit, at least my other grandmother is in her 70's... and they're waiting on me to be the first one to have a kid... shes gonna be waiting a looonnggg time. its too depressing to think about it... i cant imagine how my mom did it so young i dont know what my cousins gonna do i just hope he takes better care of the kid than his mom did for him the whole seven years she was interested. ugh im pissed and im gonna stick my foot in my mouth and cause another family feud, so i had better shut up.
pero este pendejo no tiene el cerebro para usar un condon, no debe ser chingar. nunca! nunca! nunca! esta un nino! esta como mi hermano pequeno! Estupido! el no lanza mejor lejos a este nino la manera que su mama lo lanzo lejos. que ella era un tecato estupido y el debe tener mas sentido que esa. y esta puta debe saber protegerse sea tambien. ellos sera estupidos? yo soy alegre todos lo que cogieron era un nino y no un algo mas. no soy tan listo perder a algun otro al SIDA.
but thats all im gonna say about that.