Monday, February 06, 2006

Electric Blue Nail Polish...

... and sandpaper hands, I look down and realize I really do need a manicure, and not just for masochistic reasons any more... my hands have been over washed over dried windblown and not moisturized nearly enough, i dont understand how, I slather lotion on my whole body three times a day and spend extra time with my hands, my palms are still soft and delicate but the outside is as cracked and dry as the rio grande riverbed in summer. I happen to like the electric blue nail polish, but my mother seems to think that i have grown too old for it, I say phooey! I'll give it up the same year I willingly give up halloween. She'd probably flip her lid if she realized I have the lipstick to match.

I'm going to Denver next weekend, a mini-vacation if you will, the whole gang is going, it should be fun.

I HATE CSR's, not the actual people, just thier jobs. I have been a customer service rep so I know its protocol nothing personal but damn! I have spent the last three days looking for affordable auto insurance and with the Boyscouts driving record, and my refusal to carry less than comprehensive despite the fact that my car is paid off, that is no easy task, and they werent making it any easier. Finally, I spent two hours on the phone this morning with a lovely independent agent, named Tamera from somewhere in California who got me set up for $277/mo, which is what he was paying for himself. I'm so happy, I may just pay off the six months. P.S. Geico is expensive and should be avoided like the plague!

So I'm trying to be less materialistic, but I got this really awesome phone this weekend, quad band, full webbrowsing, video, audio, Mp3, IM, full Organizer, Image editor, 32Mb memory card thats about the size of my pinky nail, a bunch of cool extras like conversions, timezones, awesome games (tetris! I have tetris!, and some other gamecube quality games)... and I cant get the fucking thing to sync with my computer. The USB driver wont load right, so my phone recognizes the computer, but the computer doesnt recognize the phone. I am ready to throw them both through the window, and technical support was of no help, i am getting new drivers sent but Oy Vey! I'm gonna shoot someone in the meanwhile.