so now i remember why i dont buy screen tees any more... i found this shirt i couldnt resist it has princess buttercup and wesley kissing on the front of it and it says "death cannot stop true love". i love hot topic they have something for everyone in there and i am so happy that they started carrying the princess bride stuff. so this shirt is wonderful in everyway except i keep noticing people staring at my chest and i am not sure if its at my tits or at the shirt. either way, i am completely unflattered, and have decided to stop wearing screen tees... except this one cause its wonderful, everyone needs a Dred Pirate Roberts in thier life.
phone drivers still havent arrived, im waiting patiently...
i am sick of luncheons... why do they even call them luncheons, they should call them torture, that'd be more accurate. the one i had today was particularly bad, the location was bad, the food was bad, the service was bad, (i didnt know hotel catering could be bad but whatever), but the seating chart was the worst. i got stuck sitting next to some ninty year old millionaire who kept trying to peek down my shirt, i was dressed professionaly, slacks, heels and a blouse, so its not like i was showing alot of cleavage or looked like a hooker or anything that would invite that sort of behavior, but there he was the whole damned time. hoping that his eyes would somehow gain x-ray vision, the man was also a chauvenist he kept calling me toots and telling me to do things for him, "go get me some ice cream toots, pick up that paper for me toots," and my favorite "you aint smart enough to understand toots" he told me what seemed like his entire life story, which despite the bile building up in my throat from trying not to sock him, was pretty interesting. he remembers the great depression and fought in both world wars along with a whole string of other things. his current wife, who looked to be about my age, was with him and seemed rather upset that he was talking to me at all. she neednt worry, she can have him. hes the kind of person i wish i had never met, he made me feel dirty and degraded and rather upset all around, but the piece de resistance was when he tried to play grab ass in the parking lot. i have decided that this is what hugh hefner is going to be like in thirty or so years, and there is a reason viagra isnt natural, and women who put up with sugar daddies like him, clearly dont get paid enough.