The dreaded V day approacheth. (ok so approacheth is not a word but it makes me happy so there :-P )
i got him a briefcase for valentines day. a briefcase and a card and a little stuffed dog that says "i ruff you". how pathetic. the briefcase is wonderful its leather, and its soft and supple and makes you want to sit there all day rubbing it. ok so maybe not quite but kinda. it was half off but still ridiculously expensive considering he is not an office job kind of guy, but i knew he really wanted it because... well because its renzo and hes nuts. the sad part is i know that his gift to me is going to be equally if not less romantic. both of us work tomorrow, i have meetings after work so i'll probably be getting home later than him, and i happen to hate this holiday. there was only once i can remember enjoying a valentines day that was the year he proposed and that wasnt even on valentines day, it was february 11th (or 9th or... gee im soo sentimental), and it wasnt even a very romantic proposal, he told me he couldnt hold on to my present any longer (he had just bought it that day) then he just got the ring stuck it on my finger and said "mine" and that was that. i became his with a star sapphire and white gold, forcefully shoved on my hand before i knew what was coming. could it have been more romantic, hell yes. would i trade that for anything in the world, no, probably not, even though i wasnt sure whether or not i was engaged for months afterward.
what was i ranting about...oh yeah i hate this holiday... i hate most holidays
holidays i hate
(and reasons i hate them)
valentines day- im jaded about romance (and many other things but thats a different story)
christmas- can we say commercialism and stress
thanksgiving- ugh leftovers
presidents day- so not a real holiday
st patricks day- too much green and hangovers
cinco de mayo- uh hello, american
memorial day- supposed to do that year round
labor day- reminds me that school starts waayy to early out here
columbus day- the fool didnt even know where he was
that basically leaves easter haloween and the fourth of july.
maybe im turning into Dreaneezer Scrooge