"she would have done what she thought was right no matter where i was and us not being friends wasn't my idea."
oh but it was. it was my fault, but your idea. whatever. your over it, i'll pretend like i am too and we shall both move on. i'm hurt and i'm missing you and i dont want to get all catty, but i feel like i could be. whatever. walk away drea.
so im not fired which is a relief. i am rather upset though i did get a verbal warning. (a written verbal warning dont you love that) because they couldnt prove that i did have anything to do with it, and i cant prove that i didn't.
i dont steal. its just not the way i was brought up... i might occasionally borrow something for extended periods of time (i.e. forever) but its never intentional if ya want it back just ask its not mine I'll give it back. i work for what i have and i dont see the point in taking what i dont. i have been poor my entire life why would i want to change now, when i've finally gotten used to it?
my warning says something along the lines of i was responsible because i should have been more careful in the handeling of the cash. the shit of it is all i was involved in was counting it and sealing the envelope. but that was enough to garner punishment. whatever. i still have my job and i think that my boss believes that i didnt do it. the problem is i believe both T and M when they say they didnt. huh... go figure.