Friday, December 09, 2005


"he sees you when your sleeping, he knows when youre awake. he knows if youve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake." -- The creepy stalker song.

The dredd pirate roberts is dead.

i think it got too cold for him and he died. i dont think im supposed to have pets anymore first yoda now him. i feel silly mourning a fish but, i am. i wanted a snake for christmas but now im reconsidering it i cant keep anything alive, not even a plant that needs minimum care. maybe some other time.

i am in a funk this week for no real reason, just a lot of little ones. my phone will be out for another week for those of you who are trying to call me, you can still get through but if i miss it... im sorry cant return the call.

oh shit! i just realized its only 16 days till christmas and i havent begun to make gifts, or shop, or even think about doing either one of these things.... can i make christmas just not exist this year? is that a possiblility? it doesnt feel the way it did in my childhood anyway, the exictement the kicking off of the season with baking and watching Rudolf and Jack Frost.... super cheestastic movies, but classics that i would watch with my mom to know its time to get ready for the season... i have been doing christmas crap with the kids all week and it still doesnt even feel like december. go figure. i have to run back to work now. so now that i have spread the christmas funk, ho ho ho go fu.... probably shouldnt say that... go fudge cookies.