Friday, December 30, 2005

Should have stayed in bed

“Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it seems as though they’re here to stay…” The Beatles (John Lennon?) and Boys II Men

Yesterday was supposed to be a wonderful day. I was to stay in my pj’s all day and work on paintings and sketches and whatever whimsy I felt like. Life never pans out the way we wish. I was having a good day yesterday I woke up early cause I had a nightmare ( it was really freaky! I dreamt that someone kept breaking into my house and stealing my favorite things, then killing one person I loved each night and finally the person went after me and it turned out to be Supes. He was choking me to death and then stopped for some reason, I convinced him I needed to go to the bathroom waited for him to fall asleep and ran to tell my parents what was going on. He burst into the room and said “I guess you don’t want to be beautiful anymore” started coming towards us and I woke up.)

So I woke up freaked out and decided to watch a movie since no one else would be awake at the godforsaken hour of 6:00. I watched a couple of chick flicks that no one ever wants to watch with me (not that I ever really want to watch them with anyone, last time I did I started crying and Supes started freaking out thinking there was something wrong with me, when really it was just a sad movie and I felt like crying… alot) and called a couple people who didn’t answer. I started playing with my new pen and ink set (its crazy fabulous! I have silver, gold, white, and a couple different black inks and all these great quill tips that make fantastic anime and realistic type drawings, and make me feel like I should start inking my own comic book)

around 11:00 I get a call from T. at the office who was wondering who was supposed to cover her lunch shift cause she needs to leave a little early, it wasn’t me but I was kinda bored with drawing and movies and the IMF by now (the IMF is the international music feed, its like MTV back when they used to show music videos, but global… its awesome.) so I got dressed real quick and went to work. Well M, who was supposed to cover T showed up. But my boss said we could both stay if we got such and such done if we wanted the hours. I’ve only worked like 8 hrs this week so I was like sure whatever. Well theres where the problem arose.

Everyone left its just M and I at the desk and some woman comes in and pays for her sons Preschool… in cash. We don’t normally process cash so M had to call T to ask her how to do it. So I'm calling people at this time to get overdue payments, and not really paying attention. M gets the payment writes the woman a receipt, puts the money in an envelope, hands the envelope to me I count the cash, verify the amount, she signs it and puts it with the other envelope that’s there. I finish working and leave at three o’clock when V and my boss get there, because although T’s not back yet… theres really nothing left for me to do, and I'm only working to escape boredom. I'm in a hurry to leave because Katwoman called and I wanted to call her back, before I wasn’t able to get a hold of her for six months.

I'm happily at home watching Bewitched and eating Danish butter cookies when I get a call from M… “hey did you see where that envelope went.” Ya, you put it behind the phone with the other one… “well the otherone is there but this one is not” what?! check behind the desk did it fall? I tell her to check everywhere because I know that the envelope was there when I left. (or at least I have no reason to think otherwise because I only saw it the one time and neither she nor I left the desk at any time.) she hangs up fifteen minutes later she calls back “The Boss lady wants to have a meeting with us at 12:30 tomorrow” so now here I am shitting bricks… I didn’t do any thing but I just know I'm gonna wind up taking the fall for this shit. I had another nightmare last night. I was in jail and they were interrogating me and they made me strip in front of all these people…

there’s 39 minutes till the meeting and I have a knot in my stomach the size of Texas. I really don’t wanna get fired for something I didn’t do… I’ve never been fired and I would like to think if I was I would have at least done something that deserved it. C’est la vie… I will know my fate in a few mins. I was talking to Katwoman cause all this was going on and I locked my keys in again cause I was so distracted (that’s 6 times in 3 mos. for those of you keeping track.) and was about to fall to pieces. She said just think about Lemony Snickett’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events… at least its not that bad…. But I was thinking you know what… its headed there.