"IF I can stop one heart from breaking,/I shall not live in vain;/If I can ease one life the aching,/Or cool one pain,/Or help one fainting robin/ Unto his nest again,/I shall not live in vain."-Emily Dickinson
"Tell all the Truth but tell it slant---/Success in Circuit lies /Too bright for our infirm Delight /The Truth's superb surprise /As Lightning to the Children eased /With explanation kind /The Truth must dazzle gradually /Or every man be blind---" Emily Dickinson
so hey hi its been a while since i've posted ("its been a while since i've seen the way the candles light your face, its been a while but i can still remember just the way you taste... and everything i can remember as fucked up as it all may seem to be....") sorry i think of that song everytime i say "its been a while" ah Stained... such a good band. i need to go to a concert i havent been to a really good rock concert in.... well in like six years :(... ive been to concerts since then, even been to rock concerts... just not any really good ones... not since edgefest 5. ok so looking back.. it hasnt really been a while just seems like it i guess...
news in my life:
my sis is coming down for x-mas (yay!)
i still havent gotten ahold of her (Boo!)
my phone is going on tomorrow (yay!)
it snowed a couple of days ago (yay!)
it was melted by 9:am (boo!)
my boss put in for me to get a promotion behind my back (um... y.. i dunno)
im taking classes next semester (yay!)
i got a raise(yay!)
i am nowhere near done with christmas gifts (uh oh)
i finally got my butt down to the social security office to change my name, i didnt hyphenate, which is good because my name is already too damn long to begin with... but not cause i really like Jaramillo better than Aranda, only cause its soo close to my first name. (and they butcher it more than Jaramillo, i didnt think that was possible but it is) shit i was supposed to leave for work 10 mins ago... finish later .