Name 3 things in your purse/wallet:
1.) voter registration card
2.) four bucks
3.) flash drive
Name 3 things you do when you're really stressed:
1.) run
2.) rant
3.) paint
Name 3 favorite fruits:
1.) mangos
2.) pomegranites
3.) watermelon
Three names you go by:
1.) Drea
2.) TU!!!!
3.) Miss New Boss
Three of your Favorite restaurants:
1.) Garcias
2.) Fuddruckers
3.) Amadeos
Three things you are wearing right now
1.) teal tank top
2.) grey yoga pants
3.) superman hat
Who is in the house with you? My sister (i'm at her house)
Who was the last person to IM you? tough one, probably domenick.
Who are you thinking about right now? spike the snake
Who did you last talk to on the phone? have to check... my lissa
Who's house did you last go to? uh duh lissa's
Whose birthday is next?oh fuck... i dont even wanna hear it.... ummm... kelly's?
Where do you sleep? on the most uncomfortable cot in the world at my parents house.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?uh... wal-mart?
Where is the last place you took a ride to?wal-mart my sister needed eyeliner
What is currently making you mad??I make me madder than anything else. uh... my ex and his inability to communicate anything to me except guilt
What was the last thing you ate? ice cream
What color pants are you wearing?grey
What is the closest item near you that is blue?my ring or post its
What's your favorite color?dont have one (yeah i know i'm a freak) hmmm... blue?
What is your favorite website?i dont really have one...
What is your favorite shoe brand? definitely not nike, i'm mad at them my running shoes have a hole in the sole after only four months (although i have had a lot of stress lately) Steve Maddens, they are sexy as fuck
What is the last movie you watched?wow good question its been a while shopgirl at home and the Lake House at the movies... wait thats not the last one... but i dont remember the other one.
What song do you currently hear? ceartianly Erykah Badhu
When did you meet your best friend?Kat was in 9th grade Rikki was last year or so
When did you last go to the mall? last pay day with Justine shoe shopping, and i bought nothing, i should be proud but i feel slightly deprived
When's the last time you bought a pair of jeans?hmmm i need to buy jeans uh... last year, 18 months ago something like that
When did you last burn a candle?Last week when i took a bath, not to say last week was the last time i bathed but, well you get what i mean.