Saturday, September 16, 2006


so i would like to thank everyone who donated i made $125 (yay!) 25 online and $100 in cash, and for those of you who couldn't donate i understand, i've been there thats why i walk not donate and for those of you who just didn't want to, a pox on you mr Scrooge!

so the walk was intersesting i thought i was going to be alone cause justine bailed out but i ran into Susan Smith, one of the teachers from my work, who is just a total sweetheart, and she invited me to join her church group, so i got to walk with them and i had fun. i might even go to church there tomorrow... nah. we all know i'm not big on church and if my grandmother were to find out that i was going to a church on the other side of town when i refused to go to hers so i could sing in the choir, i will be dead meat. that, and i really don't like church, i wind up leaving feeling dirty. (that and the holy water burns)

so i posted a letter that i shouldnt have and got a couple people very pissed off at me and i am considering taking it off... but i wont, why because its my life too, and its what i was feeling at that time and when i ran across it again i felt like posting it. this thing is my brain, its my life its my memories, if you dont like what is on here stop reading the damned thing.

i went apartment hunting yesterday, i think i found one, now i just have to work on furniture, but i dont know if i want to do the furniture first or the apartment first, i'm thinking apartment because living with my dad is driving me insane.

uh.. i dont really have much to post, right now i'm supposed to be at the library going over divorce papers but i really didnt want to do that today so i got up did my JDRF walk and came here to my sisters to shoot the shit and bum lunch. now i am going to go home and read and fill out the papers on my own, get all the petitions i need together, because if i dont, it won't get done, and i am ready for this to be done.