"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is." -Winston Churchill
its the best lunch ever.
so i have become a workaholic.
i got in my car and started driving and it brought me here, back to the site. i wasn't intending on coming here but here i am.
i have decided i need to live up to my potential.
ok so this is a duh statement, but really people have been telling me my whole life i am capable of so much more and i've sort of just slacked off and ignored it.
i was in the shower yesterday and i had tried sneaking something past my mom and she discovered it and my smart ass reply was no one's ever accused me of being smart. and she said no, thats the problem you're three points away from genius and you act like your three points below average. which was like ouch. but then i realized, you know what... she's right.
so what am i to do? i have no time because like i said before i am a workaholic. i've been working 12 hour days (ok so i take a two hour lunch, so it translates into ten hour days) and then i work more when i get home and by the time i go to bed i have only a couple hours to myself before i get up and do it all over again.
damnit i just spilled teriyaki on my shirt.
so i need to come up with someway to 1. find my potential and then 2. live up to it.
what should i do? and does it have to be public?
1. finish school.
- this is definitely on my list i dont know what i want out of life still but i know i need a degree if i am to get anywhere in this world. i have finally decided i am going to major in studio art and minor in english, this is going to be difficult but this is what i want. so let it be written so let it be done etc.. etc..
2. do something important with my life
- this is why i like my current job, i get to work with kids and help some of them see thier potential, thier self worth, it is the most rewarding part of my job. unfortunately i'm kind of limited where i'm at right now, i see chance to do so much but i am lacking what it takes...
3. make a difference in someone elses life
-i try to do this every day, i dont know how successful am with this but i try i think i'm gonna start doing things to help the community, like get off my hiney and vote, join the junior diabeaties walk this saturday. do the trek for trash to help clean albuquerque. i want to save the world, i know this is impossble but i will do my best to save my part of it.
4. become fluent in french and spanish and possibly another language...
at this rate i need to work on english.
ok thats enough of that. its a start and i will accomplish as much as i can.