Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So tomorrow I get to testify in front of the senate on behalf of the nmccea to raise the poverty level to 200% for state child care contracts. I am still sick and I have to be up and presentable and across town ready to go to Santa fe by 645 tomorrow morning. I am not looking forward to that. I am kinda enjoying this class but I wish they didn't have to cram in a whole semester into a week. My site directors seem lost and I've realized I am waay underpaid. But I love the y. I am nervous. Very very nervous. I like this feeling though I haven't been to the roundhouse, and I haven't been in the senate chambers in years I kind of like the feeling, the chance to make a difference. I think as much as I hate politicians I would make a great one. Thank you Susie for turning me into a charmer.