Sunday, January 07, 2007

food for thought.

Who came up with that expression? Why is our society obsessed with food?

So. I am starting a fitness program. I was gonna start tomorrow but I decided there's no time like the present. As part of this finess program I am supposed to keep a journal. 12 goals (10 short two long term) activities I did what I've eaten and how I feel about it. What my mood is like and five things I like about myself. Oh and one daily goal for the next day. Am I gonna do that on here? Hell no! But ill do todays just for the hell of it. Oh yeah I'm also supposed to take nearly naked pictures of myself front and back and measurments. I'm dreading that part. But if I'm going to commit to this thing I'm going to commit I have to start someday and it might as well be now. Ok so here goes the start and only public part of my fitness journal. (wish me luck on the next ten weeks!).

2 long term goals one physical one spiritual, ok physical is easy, I want to avoid having a heart attack and diabetes by the time I'm 30. Spiritual, I would like to look in the mirror a year from today and say damn I'm hot! And to feel it through and through.

Ten short term five physical five spiritual.
1. Hmmm. Get through this program for ten weeks.
2. To drop at least one dress size.
3. To realize chocolate is a treat not a dietary staple.
4. To drink as much water as I should
5. To sleep at least seven hours straight, nightly.
1. To control my road rage.
2. To appreciate the little things
3. To believe people when they say I'm pretty.
4. To fight for my self worth
5. To stop sweating the small stuff.

Activities I have done, right now, nothing, by the end of the day, this will change.

What I have eaten,
Tuna salad and crackers. Some flaming hot lays.
Chicken alfedo on ziti.
Mixed veggies.

How I feel about this, well not too good, the carbs have made me kinda sleepy, and potato chips and pasta are not diet food. But seeing as I have had no candy no leftover Christmas cookies and none of that cheesecake in the fridge, I'm doing better. But now I really want a glass of milk, I wonder if I can get her to start buying 2%?

How I feel, kinda sleepy, determined, nervous for some reason. What's bothering me? The pseudo-hook up from last night. What's making me happy? Someone loves me.

Five things I like about me... Uh, my pretty manicure, my beautiful eyes, my ummm, damnit I have to do this every day? Uh my newfound control in my life, my car, my curiosity.

Tomorrow I want to complete all my work before 300.

Eh that's not so bad. I can do that daily and it gives me an excuse to go out and buy a new journal on Friday.