Wednesday, November 15, 2006

hot toddys and theraflu

I hate it when I'm sick.

No one likes being sick drea

Hypochondriacs do

You're such a smart ass

So a woman put a curse on me today. It made me laugh my ass off. Not because I don't believe in curses or spells or anything like that, I've been brought up with those beliefs since birth. I was laughing because I have also been protected from that sort of thing since birth. Brujeria and cueanderismo run deep in my family, its in my blood, anything that someone places on me gets reflected to them. So sorry lady, its not gonna work. I kind of hope that this woman was just trying to scare me and was just bluffing, I have no desire to cause her anymore pain, but if she has she asked for it.

Ok so now that I sound like a crazy lady too...

Six days till my birthday, and I have no clue what I'm gonna do. I have a great dress to wear though so that should be fun. Ok well I'm kinda half drunk and hopped up on theraflu bad combo I know but it works. So I'm gonna cut this short.