Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tori Amos' madness is contageous.
Or at least that's what Dana says, I'm inclined to agree. So here I sit waiting for my name to be called so I can be stuck with a needle and bleed out a two pints of blood, to be spun separated so the red blood cells are collected plasma and platelets mixed with room temperature saline and pumped back in to my arm. And the sicko in me is looking forward to this. Ok I don't know if its the sicko or the girl who still wants to save the world. Either way I've been called a sicko twice today. Well twice on that and then again when I said if I were to die in an hour I would rob a bank while fucking. Oh well I am who I am and I can't change it. Everytime I tri I wind up low and wondering who I am. Its much better to just go with the flow.