Sunday, April 22, 2007

i guess im not supposed to be a blonde.

Or even a cool brunette. I tried dying my hair an ash brown with golden highligts it came out chocolate with caramel highlights, very tasty but not what I was going for. So I tried going for a dark blonde and wound up with a mousey brown which as a color sounds bad but actually I like. I don't think I'm ever gonna be a blonde unless I try for say, platnium, but that's not happening any time soon. I don't want to look like a hoochy with no style and I definitely don't want to overprocess my hair. Maybe that's my problem I'm not willing to fry it.

Ok so there's my vain little rant for the day I have a lot to talk about I just have no time hopeduly that will change this week and I can. I just wanted to let you guys all two of you know that I am still alive. Love ya!