Tuesday, July 11, 2006


My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah my foes, and oh my friends;
It makes a lovely light.

i dont remember who wrote that... i cant sleep... i went to bed last night at about midnight and i woke up this morning at like 5:30 (and a million times in between) thinking of a million things and nothing...

i am feeling restless and desperate for change.

thats normal

i'm also pretty miserable

thats kind of normal too for me anyway

i dont know what i want anymore, i feel like i'm lost in a whirlpool and everything seems like the solution as i whirl past it until i come upon the next thing...

i cant do this anymore... i hate feeling this way. i need to do something productive, like mail that package i need to resend, help my sister find a house considering she'll be down here in 21 days, iron... hey thats something i could do... i think i'm gonna go iron.