Friday, March 06, 2009

Create Hikaru Dorodango

i got this from mythbusters when they were testing idioms... the theoy was that you cant polish shit. well they busted it, Jamie made a very pretty one from lion poo.

i'm going to try it, let see how it works.

Step 1: Create the Mud
In a clean container, add water to the dirt. The ratio of water to dirt will vary depending on the type of dirt. Start by adding a small amount of water, mix, and slowly add more water until the mud reaches an even consistency, similar to dough.

Step 2: Create the Core:
Grab a handful of mud and begin to shape it into a sphere with both hands, squeeze out as much water as you can. Eliminate irregularities from the mass by gently shaking it. The vibration removes voids, increases surface moisture, and facilitates compaction. As you shape/shake the mud, clayey particles will migrate to the surface, forming a slip layer that will make it easier to smooth the mass into a sphere. Proceed to Step 3 when the ball becomes tacky to the touch.

Step 3: Create Preliminary Capsule
Holding the ball in one hand, grab handfuls of dirt with the other and sprinkle the dirt over the ball. With your thumb, gently sweep the excess off, rotating the ball as you do so. Use the outer curvature of your thumb, near the base, to do this. Fumio Kayo has a great video that demonstrates this technique. The newly added dirt will absorb the surface moisture very quickly. Work the ball to point where it retains its shape but isn't so dry that cracks begin to form.

Step 4: Draw the Moisture Out
Insert the ball into a plastic bag. At first, you will only need to do this for 20 minutes or so. Be careful to lay the ball on something soft to prevent a flat area from forming. Water will condense on the inside of the bag and the surface of the ball will become wet again. Remove the ball and repeat Step 3. Return the ball to the bag before cracks begin to appear.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the ball begins to feel leather-hard to the touch. You will find that it takes longer for water to condense on the inside of the bag - you can accelerate the process at this point by putting the bag and dorodango in the refrigerator. Note: This will cause the water to condense very quickly, be careful to remove it before too much water condenses out - it will dissolve the ball where it gathers at the bottom of the bag.

Step 5: Create Final Capsule Layer
The brilliant shine of the dorodango is created by applying a final layer of extremely fine particles of dirt. I use two different methods to do this:

On-Site - When you have unlimited access to the dirt that you're working with, simply pat the dry dirt lightly with your hand. Gently rub the fine particles that stick to your hand over the ball.

Off-Site - When you have limited access to the dirt you're working with, screen the dirt into a

plastic container with a lid - a regular window screen works fine. Place the lid on the container and shake. Note: If the lid of the container doesn't seal completely, be sure to wear a dust mask. Wait a few minutes for the dust to settle. Remove the lid; there should be an abundance of very fine dust sticking to the sides. Rub the dust into the ball.
Continue this process until the surface moisture of the ball has been completely absorbed (it looks and feels powdery). Insert the ball into a new plastic bag. Repeat this step as many times as possible to create a thick capsule. When the fine particles no longer adhere to the surface of the ball after you take it out of the bag, you're ready to begin polishing.

Step 6: Polishing
Remove the ball from the bag and let it dry for 20 minutes. Polish with a soft cloth - carefully at first - if any moisture is present, the cloth will mar the surface. Polish or buff more vigorously once the ball is dry.

Yay my roomate is on a mission to itunes all of these songs into one kick ass CD.

these two songs have been stuck in my head all night, they were playing in my dreams

don't write yourself off yet
It's only in your head you feel left out or
looked down on.
Just try your best,
try everything you can.
And don't you worry what they tell themselves
when you're away.

It just takes some time,
little girl you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything (everything) will be just fine,
everything (everything) will be alright (alright).

you know they're all the same.
You know you're doing better on your own,
so don't buy in.
Live right now.
Yeah, just be yourself.
It doesn't matter if it's good enough
for someone else.

[Chorus x2]

don't write yourself off yet.
It's only in your head you feel left out or
looked down on.
Just do your best,
do everything you can.
And don't you worry what the bitter hearts
are gonna say.

[Chorus x2]

Thursday, March 05, 2009

that is the reason i will never be a writer... i cant do that

she's f*****g hot, thats all i have to say about that

Good morning
That is what im making for dinner tonight, it sounds so delicious, i'm getting hungry now.
fast forward an hour or so, and im eating a burrito trying to force myself to drink more water (not at the same time mind you) and doing 12 other things. yay!
there was a reason i started this post. i dont rightly remember what it was.
i woke up this morning and thought it was friday. i was looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, cause my excercise partner has a baby shower. but alas, alack, no tis thursday, pardon me whilst i cry into my noexistant cheerios.

i feel like posting another picture... lets see what do i feel like today...

i wish i could draw like this, and i love that Ichigo has a monster inside him and he is still considered completely good. (little bit o' social commentary ya think?)

There Thats a bit summery, its been summery around here.

And this one is just cool. The guy with the spikey (waaaayyy spikey) hair is one of my favorites (they're all pretty friggin awesome in thier own way), he's badass he's what i named my bonsai after Kenpachi Taicho (captian Kenpachi) the only ones i dont really like are the blind dude in the back (with the silver glasses) and the robot dude on the left. he gives me the willies)

i might post more later... i dont remember what i was going to post, but it was witty. (to me at least) oh well... it'll have to wait.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Totally geeking out! That is the most awesome thing i have seen in a very very long time.

well besides this: This is the Z machine in Sandia Labs, I love this thing, not the first time i've seen it, but it still impresses me everytime. The pink spidery things are lightning trapped in oil and water so that they can safely dissapate. The Z machine recorded the highest temperature on earth 3.6 billion degrees (2billion K) (on accident) thats hotter than the center of the sun (15 million K) its a friggin X ray generator, and the awesomeness you see here, is whats left over after the thermo nuclear explosion... i knew there was a reason i liked physics. stuff like this happens all the time, and it is beautiful and poetic in its own (totally awesome) way.
ok enough being a geek. i just get so excited by things like this, i dont know why. i know its totally not normal but look at that its gorgeous. speaking of gorgeous, my moms birthday is coming up, and i dont remember how old she is, i want to give her a big shebang for her 50th, but i think thats next year? ok maybe nothing big, maybe a day at the spa, that woman never takes care of her self like she deserves.
it seems everyone around me is losing these massive amounts of weight, and i need to get on that track too. i know what i need to do i just dont have the will power, i've gone what 8 days without candy now and im already thinking of ways around that (chocolate chip cookies arent candy right?)
Things are going pretty well in Drea-land. nothing to write home about really. i've decided (for about the millionth time) that i am going to school in may, even if i have to get another (EEEK!) student loan. im sick of feeling like im never going to do anything in my life, so im going to do something damn it! even if it feels like a small step to me its gigantic. i just need to find a way to balance out all my time between work school the ones i love and sleep and social life. but the way i see it, i've done it before, and people have been doing it for years, so i should be fine (eeek!)